After the success of our survey and interviews, our group had a solid intuition of what other research methods would best inform our next decisions. We had referenced discoveries from our secondary research when developing questions for the survey and interview. These also helped us select the other methods of research before we begin the prototyping and solution phase. Our research methods include: survey, interview, personas, scenarios, and comparative testing. I’ll dive deeper into our process and findings with each of these methods below.
SURVEY: As I mentioned in a previous blog post, our surveys were more successful than we expected. My group members and I posted the link in our instagram bios & had over 80 participants who were all incredibly honest and genuine in their answers. We learned so much from our peers. I was able to really evaluate where everyone - males, females, gay, straight, black, and white - stood on the topic of sex. I feel really passionate about the importance of diversity in where we get our information from, and I felt like the survey was really representative of the students at the U of A.
INTERVIEW: I also went in depth on my interview findings in another blog post which you can read here.
PERSONAS: I created three personas based off of our findings from the interviews and surveys. You can read them below. 
SCENARIOS: We made three different scenarios for how our intended users might interact with our solution ideas, based off the personas and findings from our other research. Since we made these scenarios, however, we have really tried to explore all solution ideas - so our outcome might likely look very different from what these scenarios say. You can read them below.
COMPARATIVE TESTING: Our how might we question is based on finding a safe space to talk about sex. We talked about safe spaces in both the interviews and survey. The comparative testing in this round of research looks at common safe spaces we got from our research. You can view our results here.